News / Periop Café

40 Fast and Future Leaders of Surgical Services: Brianne Schramm

January 9, 2020


40 Fast and Future Leaders of Surgical Services: Brianne Schramm

I know its time to go home when… my head hurts and I no longer have any answers or advice to offer. Most importantly, it’s always time to go home if my family has events that I want to be a part of.

Sometimes it’s not what you know, its… who to ask if you do not know and how you use the resources you are provided with

One little thing I pay attention to is… resumes. If a candidate cannot pay attention to detail on the document they submit to be hired from, they will likely not be successful in the OR.

Best advice I ever received… be yourself, work hard, focus on being the best at the current job you’re working. Hard work, attention to detail and a warm smile are characteristics that are noticed by all.

My mentors are… my boss, a close colleague, and my parents

I am here for… my employees, my surgeons, my colleagues, but most importantly, my patients.

The future of surgical services is… using advanced technology to provide minimally invasive procedures that will be outpatient and yield the same optical outcomes.

The dumbest thing I ever did… not excuse myself from circulating a family member’s surgery, especially since the outcome was not optimal

The smartest thing I ever did… become a proficient clinician prior to emerging into leadership. Knowing the job you ask of your employees makes you a stronger and more reputable leader. On a personal level, my answer would be becoming a mother. My two children are my pride and joy.

If I hadn’t been a Director of Surgical Services, I would have become a… fitness instructor or a travel agent.

It is Whitman Partners’ honor and mission to support and advance the surgical services industry by facilitating the dissemination of new ideas in leadership, technology, and best practices. Identifying and sharing the achievements, inspirational stories, and insight of emerging leaders is key to driving effectiveness, efficiency, and patient satisfaction for OR departments of all sizes and scope.

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