News / Success Stories

40 Fast and Future Leaders of Surgical Services – Sam Davis Jr.

January 28, 2020


40 Fast and Future Leaders of Surgical Services – Sam Davis Jr.

I know its time to go home when all cases are finished for the day and rooms are beginning to get terminally cleaned!

Sometimes it’s not what you know, its who you know! In Surgical Services, it’s paramount to know the key players in your multi-disciplinary team (physicians, nurses, anesthesia personnel, pharmacist, infection control, compliance, etc) that provides open communication and leads to improved patient outcomes and ensure patient safety and satisfaction.

Best advice I ever received as a healthcare leader, every decision that I make should be based on how it will positively affect the patient. Healthcare leaders are tasked with making difficult decisions on a daily basis and focusing on how the result of those decisions will lead to positive patient outcomes makes decision making less challenging.

My mentors are leaders that have offered me the knowledge, tools, and lessons to excel as a healthcare leader. These mentors have shared their expertise in Surgical Services and have coached me over the years on the essential requirements to be a successful leader.

The future of surgical services is A.I. (artificial intelligence)! This technology will ultimately transform the way we provide care and assist in helping optimize patient care and improve efficiency within surgical services.

The smartest thing I ever did was learning to trust and verify. Always, always, always.

It is Whitman Partners’ honor and mission to support and advance the surgical services industry by facilitating the dissemination of new ideas in leadership, technology, and best practices. Identifying and sharing the achievements, inspirational stories, and insight of emerging leaders is key to driving effectiveness, efficiency, and patient satisfaction for OR departments of all sizes and scope.

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